Miraculous Healing Properties Of Ginger In Ayurveda

Miraculous Healing Properties Of Ginger In Ayurveda

For centuries, ginger has been widely used for making traditional medicine in Ayurveda, and also as a spice for cooking. Ginger is a perennial herb, native to the Indian subcontinent, and belongs to the family Zingiberaceae.

Ginger is commonly known as ginger root, but it is a flowering plant whose underground stem is called as a rhizome. In the first century, Ginger was exported as a lucrative spice to Europe via India, where it was extensively used by the Romans for various purposes.

Numerous Ayurveda texts have praised the medicinal and healing properties of ginger. Ginger can be consumed in both dry and raw forms. The ginger stem is identified by an irregular shape. Fresh ginger is identified by light brown color, and matured ones by their dark brownish color. It has a characteristic hot taste with a pungent aroma, due to the presence of compounds such as gingerols, zingerones, and shogoals.

Ayurvedic Properties of Ginger

The dry form of ginger is known as ‘Shunti’, and it used for respiratory illness and cold. The raw form of ginger is known as ‘Adrak’. It speeds up the digestion and is useful for nausea.

Ginger is considered as the ‘Chest of medicine’ in Ayurveda, due to its various health benefits. In ancient texts, it is mentioned to have the properties of katu rasa (pungent) and ushna veerya (hot taste). It was also recommended for pacifying and regulation of vata and Kapha dosha.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Scientific analysis has shown that ginger is a therapeutic and a preventive compound, which is used to treat various ailments. The various health benefits of ginger are listed below:

  • It improves digestion and prevents flatulence, nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain.
  • It is used for the prevention of arthritis (joint pain), rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of muscles, and body pain.
  • It is used for normalizing blood cholesterol levels and improves circulation of nutrients to the tissues.
  • It is used for curing a common cold, and throat infections such as a cough, sore throat, and for treatment of respiratory infections
  • It is used for reducing the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) in women
  • It improves virility in men by increasing sperm count and libido and is also used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • It prevents the formation of cancer cells, and destroys ovarian cancer cells since the compound gingerol possesses anti-metastatic properties
  • It is used for eliminating the toxic waste from your body and improves blood circulation
  • It is used for prevention of morning sickness in pregnant women, motion sickness, headache, and nausea
  • It is used for curing anemia. If used in the early stages, it can be used in the treatment of liver diseases
  • It is used for treatment of various skin disorders such as acne, hyperpigmentation, blemishes, itches, and anti-aging
  • It stimulates hair growth and is also used for prevention of dandruff and hair loss

How To Consume Ginger?

Ginger can be consumed in either a dry or raw form, depending on the person who consumes it.

  • Raw ginger can be consumed in the form of tea, which is made from boiling a fresh piece of ginger in tea, water or
  • It can be consumed in dry form by adding a spoon of powdered ginger to a glass of milk
  • Raw ginger can be added to smoothies, fresh juices and for seasoning meats
  • It can be used to make gingerbread, cookies, cake, ginger root beer and also for making ginger ale
  • Raw ginger slices can be soaked in honey or sugar syrup and consumed in a candied form

Get your hands on some ginger and enjoy the multiple benefits it has to offer.


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